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Teemu Tapanila

CTO of Mallow

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Windows Azure Mobile Services is one the newest things that have been added to Windows Azure. It’s goal is to enable front-end developers easily to create a backend. It seriously is easy and require just few click and you are done with creating backend. This tutorial will focus on how to use Scheduler of Mobile Services to fetch data from twitter and then store it into Mobile Services.

  1. Log into the Management Portal.
  2. At the bottom left of page click NEW. New
  3. Choose Computing -> Mobile Service -> Create CreateMobileServiceFromPanel
  4. This dialog will popup CreateMobileServiceDialogOne
  5. Next step will look like this if you chose to create new SQL database instance CreateMobileServiceDialogTwo
  6. After that step your backend is getting provisioned and will be functional in few minutes
  7. Lets start by viewing the menu of your new service MobilSeriveMenu
  8. Navigate to DATA section MobileServiceDataEmpty
  9. Choose add a table and give it a name "Tweets" MobileServiceCreateTable
  10. Navigate to SCHEDULER MobileServiceSchedulerEmpty
  11. Choose create a scheduled job and give it a name "getTweets" MobileServiceCreateScheduledJob
  12. Open the job by clicking the name MobileServiceScheduledJob
  13. Open Script MobileServiceSchedulerScript
  14. Copy paste the code from below and choose save from bottom MobileServiceSchedulerScriptSave
  15. Click run once from bottom MobileServiceSchedulerScriptRunOnce
  16. Go back to DATA and see the tweets containing #WindowsAzure in the table MobileServiceDataTweets